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The Nova Scotia government website contains a wealth of information for residents (past, present or future) on a wide range of topics from health, legal, social programs and benefits, housing and tenancy and licensing.



Residents are required to obtain provincial health coverage for the province in which they reside.  Click this link to apply for a new card or order a replacement provincial health card.



Each province is responsible for licensing of drivers residing in the province.  Obtaining a driver's license must be done in person.  Click this link to determine what is required and where to apply.



Government issued photo identification is required to access many programs and services in today's society.  The application requirements and fees to obtain an identification card will differ from province to province.



Support for seniors is the responsibility of both the Government of Canada and the province in which the senior resides.  Click this link for information on provincial senior support.



Provincial governments provide income and support for those struggling with disabilities.  Programs, qualifications and payments differ from province to province.  Click this link to apply for benefits.



Provincial governments provide income assistance to residents in need that have exhausted all other avenues or sources.  Programs and payments differ from province to province.  Click this link to apply for benefits.



As each province is responsible for the health of their residents, mental health and addictions support is provided by each province.  Supports and programs differ greatly from province to province.  Click this link to access support, crisis intervention and programs available.



Click this link to explore educational upgrade options for mature students. Information about graduating high school, educational upgrades, adult literacy, learning English and post secondary requirements can be reviewed.



Furthering one's education and skill set is often required to achieve career and financial goals.  Skill development and education are the responsibility of each province.  Click this link to explore options for university, college, apprenticeship and trades training.



Click this link to find information on tenancy issues, subsidized housing, seniors housing and buying or selling a house.  Affordable housing and ending homelessness is a primary concern for many communities.



Information on the criminal justice system, human rights, family justice and maintenance, security and the court system can be found by clicking this link.



Each province is responsible for recording births in their province.  A birth certificate is often the first and primary source of identification from which every other piece of identification can be ordered.  Click this link to order a birth certificate from the province in which you were born.



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