Below are useful quick links to a wide array of life skills related material. The government link section is broken down by province or jurisdiction. Click on the Canada or provincial links to access material and application forms for social programs and identification. In addition to the government links, there are many other useful links to facilitate the completion of exercises for the My Life Skills program and educational information for program participants and anyone seeking information to contribute to a higher quality of life.
Click this link for ABC's adult literacy program. Literacy options for a selection of topics.
The following quick links provide access to many common legal resources.
Click this link for information and access to legal aid regardless of jurisdiction.
Click this link to access services provided by the John Howard Society for those facing legal issues.
Click this link for a comprehensive list of lawyers in any jurisdiction in Canada.
Click this link for legal information and resources regardless of situation.
Click this link for information and lawyers specializing in child custody cases in Canada.
Click this link for information yet to be provided.
Click this link for information yet to be provided.
The following links provide access to meetings, information and resources for those struggling with mental health and addiction issues.
Click this link to Alcoholics Anonymous for meetings and support for those struggling with addiction.
Click this link to Narcotics Anonymous for meetings and support for those struggling with addiction.
Click this link to SMART Recovery for meetings and support for those struggling with addiction.
Click this link for information and resources for those struggling with mental health issues.
Click this link for information and resources for those struggling with mental health issues.
Click this link for information and resources for those struggling with addiction issues.
Click this link for information and resources for those struggling with addiction issues.
The following links provide quick access to some common community resources as well as quick links to search for resources within your specific community.
Click this link to access resources provided by Salvation Army in your community.
Click this link for quick access to suicide support in your community.
Click this link for immediate access to mental health crisis lines throughout Canada and the world.
Click this link to find a church, synagogue or mosque in your community..
Click this link to request information TBA.
Click this link to request information TBA.
Click this link to request information TBA.
The following links provide a wealth of information, tools and applications forms related to finance and credit.
Click this link for everything credit related including collections, repossessions and bankruptcy..
Click this link to apply for a credit building secured Visa card.
Click this link for information and tools from the Government of Canada
Click this link for the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada for financial information.
Click this link for money coaching and help reaching your financial goals.
Click this link for information on a wide array of consumer topics including finances.
Click this link to request a free copy of your credit report and score.
The following links provide easy access to Free proficiency testing and tutorials for both math and literacy.
Click this link to determine what level of math you are at in order to begin the proper program..
Click this link to determine what level of math you are at in order to begin the proper program.
Click this link for free math tutorials to learn math skills at any level.
Click this link for free math tutorials to learn math skills at any level.
Click this link for free grammar and reading tutorials for any level.
Click this link to access a number of well-known literacy programs..
Click this link to access a number of well-known literacy programs..