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Mental Health and Addictions

My Life Skills program has been developed to facilitate growth and development for marginalized and/or vulnerable individuals struggling with skills that many of us take for-granted.  In addition to skill development, My Life Skills program educates these individuals on many complex topics that they are face given their lifestyle.  Navigation of social, community and government programs can be very overwhelming for even the most educated individual.  My Life Skills offers a simplified and directed approach to each issue.  With the aid of an outreach worker, each individual is able to address the majority of their issues in a systematic and structured approach.  Breaking each task down and focusing on one at a time, will eliminate much of the overwhelming stress faced by these individuals and help them work through every roadblock to a happy and fulfilling life.


My Life Skills program is meant to facilitate the development of a strong case file by an outreach worker.  Engagement by the individual in the program allows both the worker and the individual to examine issues and solutions in a simple and active way.  The main benefit of the program is to educate the individual about the benefits, thereby encouraging and motivating individuals for change.  Many marginalized individuals simply see progress as an overwhelming dream.  Working through each of the modules, completing the exercises and tackling each issue one at a time builds confidence and promotes change.  Being motivated to change, acknowledging change is possible and having a plan for change will greatly improve the likelihood of stable and supportive life.



Homeless or
Unemployed or Income Support

Homeless, couch-surfers and at-risk of homeless are those individuals that find it difficult to maintain a stable and healthy living environment.  Often these individuals struggle with mental health, addiction  and abuse issues.  Stabilization and ensuring that basic needs are met should be the primary focus prior to program engagement.  In order for My Life Skills to be effective, the individual case plan must concurrently be addressing any mental health and addiction issues.  The vast majority of individuals in this category will benefit from every module offered in the My Life Skills program.


The vast majority of marginalized and vulnerable individuals struggle with mental health and/or addiction issues.  These issues complicate any chance of progress and act as a roadblock to personal development and self-actualization.  Any case plan must clearly identify these issues and provide a plan to motivate the individual to change.  My Life Skills program facilitates the building of motivation for change through education and self awareness.  Identification of available resources for support as well as a basic understanding of the underlying issues will help individuals confirm that there are options and a path to a new life.


Individuals facing consistent unemployment or underemployment and those trapped in the cycle of income support are often lacking in some basic life skills or are struggling with mental health or addiction issues.  Most individuals in this population live independently however are living well below the poverty line.  A case plan will help identify areas requiring attention and help to determine which My Life Skills modules are applicable to each individual.

Tel: 587-590-7566

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