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"It's absolutely terrifying to let someone in, let them see the darkest corners of your soul, the reasons why you cry and why they make you so happy.

It's absolutely terrifying because they might run away with your secrets and never give them back."

The idea of being vulnerable is terrifying because it means that you are at the mercy of others. You are subject to their thoughts and opinions. You are susceptible to their reactions. You have given up all control of the situation and your power over others. You have completely let down your guard. The freedom in vulnerability is the eventual realization that "what doesn't kill you will make you stronger."

So be yourself. Vulnerability is being courageous and open-minded enough to receive constructive criticism and to learn and grow as a person. Vulnerability is also trusting that the self exposure cannot harm you but rather will heal or promote you. This faith indicates a true belief in one's self regardless of the feelings of shame, depression or worthlessness. Take the risk of self discovery. There is a rainbow waiting at the end of every storm.

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