Factors in Addiction Development

There are an endless number of factors and combinations of variables that influence the development of an addiction and recovery from such addiction. There does not seem to be any one factor or even a combination of factors. Addiction development is as unique as people themselves, no two are the same.
There are are however three time periods in a person's life that seem to have more impact than others. These three periods are as follows;
1) In Utero - The amount of stress that a mother experiences during pregnancy can lead to a hormonal imbalance, in particular, the stress hormone cortisol. Pregnant mothers engaging in risky behaviors such as drinking and drugging, can lead to developmental issues, premature labor and FAS. All of these can leave an individual more susceptible to addiction issues down the road.
2) Infancy and early childhood - According to Erikson, children learn about trust in their first year and autonomy and shame in the next two years. These first three years of life impact an individuals perspective on relationships and acceptance. These are two of the most difficult areas for an alcoholic or addict. Trust issues and low self-esteem tend to plague most people struggling with addiction.
3) Adolescence - Big changes happen during this stage of a person's life. Children are searching for their identity. Puberty, socialization and emotions can all be overwhelming. Experiences at this point of one's life seem to have a huge impact on their future. It is important that a person feels like they have someone they can trust to talk to and open up about the complexities of life. The best way to avert a lifelong struggle is to address issues at this point in one's life.
Of course every other stage of life is important and can impact the development of an addiction. Trauma, stress and social struggles can happen at any point in one's life and if not properly addressed, can quickly manifest into abuse or addiction. It is important to take care of one's self at all times. Being open, honest and connected are the kryptonite of addiction. Addiction requires buried feelings, secrets, shame and dishonesty. Having someone to talk to can eleviate many mental health and addiction issues.