Stigma Keeps Us Sick

In this day and age, mental health and addiction stigma is nothing more than ignorance precipitated by close-minded, egotistical and people that are sick themselves. Nearly ever person in North America has been directly impacted by addiction or mental health issues. Many of us suffer or have suffered from one or both ourselves. Given this fact, why is there a stigma surrounding those suffering from mental health and addiction issues? Have we become a society that lacks compassion so much that we actually revel in the suffering of others? Are we that much of a society of hypocrites that we can put down those suffering while we suffer alone ourselves?
I say that it is much deeper than this. I say that we have become such a weak and egotistical society that we find it difficult to stand up for what is right. We choose to follow a status quo that does not even exist any longer. We have become so blind to reality and so insecure with ourselves that we actually make a choice to put down and belittle the most vulnerable persons within the society that we are supposedly supporting. We have become a society of sick sheep that can no longer think for themselves. We blindly follow these elite, sick and ego-driven leaders that have been so separated from the reality of those suffering, that they cannot even comprehend what it means to be in pain and destitute. We have become so hypnotized by these privileged individuals that we are blind to the reality that they could care less about us, the real people, the people with struggles and issues.
It is time we wake up. It is time we start demanding change. It is time that we stick together and start caring about one another again. We do not have to put up with the ignorance of our society. Our governments are wasting our money but continuing initiatives that have a proven track record of failure. We throw billions at the war on drugs while the reality of drug addiction gets worse. We throw billions at band aid and babysitting solutions like harm reduction and incarceration with little or no rehabilitation. We have become so insane that we actually think that if we just ignore the problem it will go away. Wake up people, it is getting worse.
Let us #endthestigma and show our support and love to those still suffering. We all know someone struggling with mental health and addiction issues. Reach out to them. Let them know that you care. Let them know that it is fine if they reach out for help. Let them know that you will be supportive in their recovery and that you will advocate on their behalf. It is difficult for someone struggling with mental health and addiction issues to find a voice. Be their voice.