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The Power of the "I Am"

The Power of the "I Am" and the law of attraction.

"I Am" ... These two little words possess the most incredible, life altering power of any and all other words in the world. No one else can say "I Am" for you. Only YOU can state "I Am" for yourself.

Two or three months ago these statements would of been considerably different. "I AM" statements that are not worth repeating today. Today I have a renewed optimism and faith in a future that I have not completely envisioned yet. I know now however that I am caplable of great things. I just have to figure out what makes me happy.

I Am worthy of a happy and fulfilling life.

I Am capable of making my dreams come true.

I Am a good person, loving and compassionate.

I Am perfect just the way I am.

I Am special and God has an important purpose for me.

I Am blessed with love and support from family and friends.

I Am grateful for all of the opportunities that I have been given in my life.

I Am thankful that I am still alive today.

I Am going to achieve great things.

I Am able to positively impact people's lives.

I Am fortunate to have a family that is able to support me in my time of need.

I Am focused on achieving my goals.

I Am able to let go of the past and be thankful for what it taught me.

I Am a good father, brother, husband, son and person.

I Am empathetic to those still struggling with mental issues and addiction.

I am compassionate for those people suffering for any reason.

I Am able to control my thoughts and keep them positive.

I Am going to be happy once again some day soon.

I Am a believer in God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

I Am a believer in the Law of Attraction and the fact that I can determine my future.

I Am a loving person and treat everyone I meet with kindness and respect.

I Am friendly and social and enjoy being in the company of others.

I Am honest, loyal and value my integrity.

I Am grateful for everything that I have as I have had nothing.

I Am able to take risks and be vulnerable as I know it will make me stronger and more authentic.

I Am a survivor as I have lived through events that should of killed me.

I Am recovering from a lifetime of self abuse and addiction.

I Am a lot of things. I feel that it is important to keep these things positive. Everything that I am is positive as I am gentle soul with an abundance of love to give out. I do care about the people in my life very much and would do anything for them. I am letting go of the past the guilt and shame that I took on in the process. I am worthy of a great life and expect that I can still achieve great things.

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