I am My Roadblock

I am my own roadblock to recovery! I have the power to influence every aspect of my recovery and as such am responsible for my own recovery. I have the ability to do as much or as little work as I want. I have the power to follow the recommendations of those that have been in similar situations in their lives and got through them. I have the power to become aware of the irrationality of my thoughts and challenge the beliefs that may not be serving my true purpose. I have the power to be vulnerable and to face my fears, exposing guilt and shame for what it is. I have the power to regulate my environment, to allow healthy people into my life and to cut those out that no longer support my goal of recovery. I have the power to ask for help when I am struggling rather than suffer alone and fall into the darkness which I have become so accustomed. I have the power to do as much or as little therapy as I want to, knowing full well that the more therapy I involve myself in, the healthier I will become. I have the power to choose my path, the people to walk with me, my attitude on my journey and the speed in which I will travel. Am I going to be impatient and strive for a quick result forgoing the many experiences along the way? Or am I going to enjoy the journey, taking it all in, learning, listening, admiring and being present and mindfull along the way? The choice is mine and mine alone.