Blessings Through the Tears

"You only have to hold on until your tears no longer cloud your vision to all the blessings that surround you."
Regardless of who you are, where you are, what is happening to you, there are blessings around you. Sometimes we find it difficult to recognize these blessings because of our pain and the tears. My tears clouded my perspective for many years. I really had no idea how lucky I truly was ... and am. I am surrounded with so many blessings, many of which were present through my addiction and depression. The only difference is that I never saw them. I was blind to anything good. I did manage to hold on long enough to finally be able to witness everything good in my life. Thank God I did because now I am able to see that everything up to know served a purpose. Everything to this point made me who I am today. The struggles and experiences I have had, provide me with a unique perspective on life that will allow me the opportunity to truly make a difference in other people's lives. I am beginning to see this already. Every day my eyes become clearer and clearer. I look forward to the day now that I am able to see with 20/20 vision and the only tears in my eyes are tears of joy.