The Only Rock Bottom is Death
The only rock bottom is death!
Don't be fooled into thinking that a landing is the bottom.

I have experienced many lows in my active addiction. Many of them were so low that most would consider rock bottom. Being homeless and addicted to heroin is one that many would consider to be a rock bottom. I managed however to get clean for a few months and return to active addiction, only to find a new bottom. Addicted to meth, homeless, stabbed with a blood infection and under arrest facing pen time was most certainly a new low point. It has become quite obvious to me that if I were to return to active addiction, I would manage to find a place even lower than this. As I cannot imagine anything lower than these, that new low point would most likely be death.
Regardless of the state of addiction one is in, life has a way of taking you to a bottom that will test your limits and try and push you over the edge. That thin line or edge is death. So until you are effectively dead, there will always be a new bottom for you to discover in addiction. Addiction is a progressive disease that will continue to tear away everything and everyone until you are left with nothing. There is no escaping this. If you think that you have reached your bottom. Think again. Progression in addiction is progression further down the steep stairs to death. Don't be fooled into thinking that the landing that you are on is actually rock bottom. Rock bottom is a place you will only experience when you die and there is no recovery from rock bottom.