Happy Easter
Happy Easter everyone.
For me, the Easter message of redemption and hope hold a very special meaning. For, without these two messages, my life would have been lost forever.
Redemption is necessary because I am a sinner. My path strayed a long way from Christ yet he still loves and forgave me. My path today is much closer, yet I am far from perfect. I still require God's grace and forgiveness from my sins.
Hope, on the other hand, is what keeps me going. It is what I held onto in my darkest days. It is what I hold onto when I struggle even still. Hope is that whisper in my ear that "this to shall pass," Hope is the faith that I am not alone and that Jesus walks along side of me in everything that I do. Hope is my reminder that if I live a life of love, compassion and service, eternal peace is my reward.

Today He is Risen so that I can live. All that is asked of me is to be the authentic me. To share my God given gifts with the world. To share my experience, strength and hope with others so they to can find their way. Today, I have never been more blessed. Blessed with so much that you can't buy or put a price on. Blessed with love, friendship, support, gratitude, integrity, respect, contentment, purpose, hope and faith. My wish for you today is that you can find some of these blessings in your life as well.
Enjoy this incredible day.