Monsters Lurk In My Head
As a child, the monsters lurked under my bed. As an adult, they lurk inside my head. #mentalhealth #stigmafree #sicknotweak #Addiction
Change My World
I realize now that I do not have to change 'the world,' I only have to change 'my world.' The concept of changing the world insinuates...
Opinions Masquerading as Thoughts
In many cases, opinions are nothing more than judgments masquerading as thoughts. These days, everyone has an opinion, about everything...
Day 2 - Mental Health Week
Day 2 of mental health week. My struggles with mental health and addictions have been a life long battle. A battle that I am finally...
Stigma Keeps Us Sick
In this day and age, mental health and addiction stigma is nothing more than ignorance precipitated by close-minded, egotistical and...