Day 2 - Mental Health Week
Day 2 of mental health week. My struggles with mental health and addictions have been a life long battle. A battle that I am finally beginning to get a handle on. I have not always been this open and honest about my struggles. Nor have I always been a useful contributing member of society. Thank goodness that recovery is possible. It is unfortunate that recovery is still considered a miracle but with the love and support from family, friends and the community it is possible.
Yes the community. Are you surprised that community plays a role in recovery? In fact, the community had a huge role to play in recovery. From peer support, government initiatives, community services to the guy simply walking down the street or the lady behind the counter at the coffee shop. The kindness and support of a community and the people within it, that have no vested interest in your success or failure, goes a long way to encourage someone struggling. Something as simple as a smile on the street or being told not to worry about that 10 cents you were short for your coffee. The community really can make or break someone. Luckily, it made me. It supported me and encouraged me to keep going.
Today I am in school in an addiction and social work program that will addiction low me to give back. I volunteer when ever I can including a couple days a week at the Men's shelter. I am active in service facilitating SMART recovery meetings every week. I am doing my part to give back to the community that supported my recovery. So next time you see that homeless person on the street,remember that I have been that guy. The next time you see that junkie, know that was me at a couple points in my life not that long ago. The next time you are furious about that criminal, know that was also me. I have done a lot of things I am nor proud of and have been a drain on my family and society many times throughout my life. When you see these people struggling today, remember that I was them once but with a little support, recovery is possible. Remember that I got help and have started to recover. Remember that they have parents, siblings, children and friends that are struggling as well trying to get them the help they need. Show your support with a smile, kind words or perhaps even simply with holding your judgement of them. Look at this picture and remember that I was that guy once but look at me now.